First off, a quick apology to you if you’ve popped in here thinking this is a new essay or review or whatever. I’m sorry, but it’s actually a request for some help as regards Mark Millar and the research I’m doing about him at the moment. I really do hope that this doesn't seem like a bit of a cheat to the innocent visitor. I guess it is. But I assure you that I don’t intend to be doing very much of this asking for assistance business in the coming months, and new pieces which don't involve asking for help will be up on this blog in the very near future indeed
The truth of the matter is that I’m on the hunt for old interviews, press packs, podcasts and whatever else might help me get a better grasp on Mr Millar’s work. I’m reading “Saviour” at the moment, for example, and it strongly looks to me as if it were either influenced in both its form and content by “Crisis”, or even perhaps written with half-an-eye to appearing there. But I can’t say, because I don’t know, and I don’t feel like peddling supposition as insight! So, if anybody knows of any interviews which are slightly off the “Wizard” track, which I mostly already have amongst others, particularly as far as the more-distant past is concerned, I’d be grateful to know about them. Perhaps they’re archived somewhere on the net that I’m ignorant of? Maybe there were some old British fanzines such as BEM or FA that I need to keep an eye out when they come up on E-Bay or whatever? And should there be a book not currently listed by Amazon that contains Millar-relevant material that I might have missed with my birthday tokens, I’d love to know. Your advice would be very welcome. (That single-sided "Sonic The Hedgehog" fanzine interview? I'd love to see it.)

The key to this is that nobody should never over-estimate my common-sense!
Of course, I’m not looking to scrounge material, I can’t afford to buy stuff off-the-cuff and I can’t encourage the sharing of material illegally. And I’m not being disingenuous there either. I think this is probably a project that I ought to do the old-fashioned, boy scout and above-board fashion. And anyway, it’d be a damn cheek to suggest anything else to the contrary. This is research that’ll have to be done the careful and patient way, but then, that’s how I was trained to undertake investigations in the old days, before the net or any other modern wonder. I think I’m going to enjoy the process!

I should say that I intend to eventually put up a proper bibliography of Mr Millar’s work, including references to interviews and so on, so there should be something for the curious to access in the end in return for you poor folks reading this, if you’ve even got this far. And I wouldn’t blame you if you hadn’t.
I hope the day goes well folks. I’ll be back soon with some new material and as always encourage you to contribute to the comment boxes for any of the pieces here-in; your contributions are always appreciated. And I promise this site won’t become a regular scrounge-fest, though I fear occasional begging for information may occur. But rarely, I absolutely promise!
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