The Headliners
* Legion Lost
Probably among my top ten most wished for trade paperbacks is the excellent, excellent twelve-part miniseries Legion Lost by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. Bridging the end of the post-Zero Hour Legion of Super-Heroes and the beginning of the short-lived Legion series, this is a decidedly darker take on a select group of Legionnaires lost outside the normal galaxy. Twists and turns abound, and the smaller group gives the writers plenty of room to focus on the characters themselves. I have not always been a Legion fan, and this series had my attention beginning to end.
* Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga Vol. 1
Maybe second on my ten most wished for trade paperbacks would be a collection of the Roy Thomas/Dann Thomas/Jerry Ordway series Infinity Inc. The extent to which this series about young Justice Society-ers still affects the modern DC Universe can't be overstated -- Jade and Obsidian, Nuklon (later Atom Smasher), the current Hourman, Fury and Silver Scarab Hector Hall (later Dr. Fate) with their Sandman Morpheus connection, the DEO's Mr. Bones, and more. The book is listed as volume one, and the book's first storyline was ten issues -- here's hoping we end up with all fifty-three issues collected.
* Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps
Scheduled to arrive in stores in June is the Tales of the Corps paperback. The other Blackest Night paperbacks aren't solicited yet, but I imagine they're not far behind.
* Green Lantern Corps: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns
* Green Lantern: Brightest Day HC
That there's a new Green Lantern Corps collection coming, in hardcover, is mixed news: I'm glad for the new collection, but I'm sorry this series has transferred to hardcover halfway through. However, note that this book is written by both Tony Bedard and Sterling Gates, whereas the post-Blackest Night Corps stories are only written by Bedard. Looks to me like we'll finally get the missing Green Lantern Corps #21-22 by Gates in a collection -- hooray!
See also the first Green Lantern collection post-Blackest Night, a hardcover also branded as Brighest Day.
* Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Endrun
Birds of Prey gets its first and much-deserved hardcover with this initial collection of the second series. Inasmuch as I'm trying to lessen the amount of DC hardcovers I purchase, I'm just so proud of how long Birds of Prey has lasted that I'll have to pick this up.
* Batman: Under the Red Hood
This is a paperback, by Judd Winick, at an estimated 384 pages, with art by Doug Mahnke and others. I'm going to guess and say this is a combined collection of Winick's two "Under the Hood" volumes, and that it doesn't also contain Red Hood: Lost Days (though one collection of all three would be pretty cool). A nice way to reprint that story nonetheless.
* Justice League International Vol. 6
I'm astounded and pleased that the Justice League International books have made it all the way to six volumes, but it still rankles me that volume five, and now this volume, have gone from hardcover to paperback. As thick as the books are, and as nice as they look in the bookstore, it's too bad the entire set can't look the same. Possibly this includes the "Teasdale Imperative" crossover between Justice League America and Justice League Europe.
* DC Universe: Legacies
I'm not thrilled with how this series seems to be somewhat bypassing DC continuity instead of explaining it (see Comic Box Commentary on how the Silver Age Supergirl shows up in a recent background image) -- whether this series turns out to actually explain some things or not will influence whether I purchase the hardcover or wait a bit.
The Best of the Rest
* JSA All-Stars: Glory Days
The second collection of the Matt Sturges/Freddie Williams series.
* Deadman Vol. 1
There has already been a sizable Deadman hardcover collection with art by Neal Adams; I suspect this is a breakdown of the hardcover into a couple of paperbacks.
* First Wave HC
Collecting the Brian Azzarello/Rags Morales miniseries that launched DC's noir universe with Doc Savage, The Spirit, and more.
* Tales of the Batman - Gene Colan Vol. 1
I see Gene Colan drew Batman from 1982-1986 with horror-inspired art; I'd love for a Collected Editions reader to jump in and give us more details on any notable Batman stories that Colan drew.
New in Paperback
* Gotham Central Book 2: Jokers and Madmen
* Superman: New Krypton Vol. 4
Arriving in June, a good year after the "New Krypton" storyline ended.
* Batwoman: Elegy
* Arkham Asylum: Madness
* Superboy: The Boy of Steel
Oh yes, Legion Lost. Oh yes, Infinity Inc. Oh yes, the first inklings of the Blackest Night paperbacks -- plus more!
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