The two kinds of embrace take place when the lover is standing are:
When a woman, clinging to a man as a creeper twines round a tree, bends his head down to hers with the desire of kissing him and slightly makes the sound of sut sut, embraces him, and looks lovingly towards him, it is called the 'twining of a creeper'.
When a woman, having placed one of her feet on the foot of her lover, and the other on one of his thighs, passes one of her arms round his back, and the other on his shoulders, makes slightly the sounds of singing and cooing, and wishes, as it were, to climb up him in order to have a kiss, it is called an embrace like the 'climbing of a tree'.
These two kinds of embrace take place at the time of sexual union:
When lovers lie on a bed, and embrace each other so closely that the arms and thighs of the one are encircled by the arms and thighs of the other, and are, as it were, rubbing up against them, this is called an embrace like 'the mixture of sesamum seed with rice'.
When a man and a woman are very much in love with each other, and, not thinking of any pain or hurt, embrace each other as if they were entering into each other's bodies either while the woman is sitting on the lap of the man, or in front of him, or on a bed, then it is called an embrace like a 'mixture of milk and water'.
Babhravya has thus related to us the above eight kinds of embraces. Suvarnanabha moreover gives us four ways of embracing simple members of the body, which are:
The embrace of the thighs.
The embrace of the jaghana, i.e. the part of the body from the navel downwards to the thighs.
The embrace of the breasts.
The embrace of the forehead.
When one of two lovers presses forcibly one or both of the thighs of the other between his or her own, it is called the 'embrace of thighs'.
When a man presses the jaghana or middle part of the woman's body against his own, and mounts upon her to practise, either scratching with the nail or finger, or biting, or striking, or kissing, the hair of the woman being loose and flowing, it is called the 'embrace of the jaghana'.
When a man places his breast between the breasts of a of Vatsyayana woman and presses her with it, it is called the 'embrace of the breasts'.
When either of the lovers touches the mouth, the eyes and the forehead of the other with his or her own, it is called the 'embrace of the forehead'.
When a woman sees that her lover is fatigued by constant congress, without having his desire satisfied, she should, with his permission, lay him down upon his back, and give him assistance by acting his part. She may also do this to satisfy the curiosity of her lover, or her own desire of novelty.
There are two ways of doing this, the first is when during congress she turns round, and gets on the top of her lover, in such a manner as to continue the congress, without obstructing the pleasure of it; and the other is when she acts the man's part from the beginning.

At such a time, with flowers in her hair hanging loose, and her smiles broken by hard breathings, she should press upon her lover's bosom with her own breasts, and lowering her head frequently, should do in return the same actions which he used to do before, returning his blows and chaffing him, should say, "I was laid down by you, and fatigued with hard congress, I shall now therefore lay you down in return." She should then again manifest her own bashfulness, her fatigue, and her desire of stopping the congress. In this way she should do the work of a man, which we shall presently relate.
Whatever is done by a man for giving pleasure to a woman is called the work of a man, and is as follows:
The acts to be done by the man are:
Moving forward
Friction or churning
Giving a blow
The blow of a boar
The blow of a bull
The sporting of a sparrow
When the organs are brought together properly and directly it is called 'moving the organ forward'.
When the lingam is held with the hand, and turned all round in the yoni, it is called 'churning'.
When the yoni is lowered, and the upper part of it is struck with the lingam, it is called 'piercing'.
When the same thing is done on the lower part of the yoni, it is called 'rubbing'.
When the yoni is pressed by the lingam for a long time, it is called 'pressing'.
When the lingam is removed to some distance from the yoni, and then forcibly strikes it, it is called 'giving a blow'.
When only one part of the yoni is rubbed with the lingam, it is called the 'blow of a boar'.
When both sides of the yoni are rubbed in this way, it is called the 'blow of a bull'.
When the lingam is in the yoni, and moved up and down frequently, and without being taken out, it is called the 'sporting of a sparrow'. This takes place at the end of congress.
When a woman acts the part of a man, she has the following things to do in addition to the nine given above:
The pair of tongs
The top
The swing
When the woman holds the lingam in her yoni, draws it in, presses it, and keeps it thus in her for a long time, it is called the 'pair of tongs'.
When, while engaged in congress, she turns round like a wheel, it is called the 'top'. This is learnt by practice only.
When, on such an occasion, the man lifts up the middle part of his body, and the woman turns round her middle part, it is called the 'swing'.
When the woman is tired, she should place her forehead on that of her lover, and should thus take rest without disturbing the union of the organs, and when the woman has rested herself the man should turn round and begin the congress again.
There are also some verses on the subject as follows:
'Though a woman is reserved, and keeps her feelings concealed; yet when she gets on the top of a man, she then shows all her love and desire. A man should gather from the actions of the woman of what disposition she is, and in what way she likes to be enjoyed. A woman during her monthly courses, a woman who has been lately confined, and a fat woman should not be made to act the part of a man.'
Such passionate actions and amorous gesticulations or movements, which arise on the spur of the moment, and during sexual intercourse, cannot be defined, and are as irregular as dreams.
A horse having once attained the fifth degree of motion goes on with blind speed, regardless of pits, ditches, and posts in his way; and in the same manner a loving pair become blind with passion in the heat of congress, and go on with great impetuosity, paying not the least regard to excess.
For this reason one who is well acquainted with the science of love (Kamasutra), and knowing his own strength, as also the tenderness, impetuosity, and strength of the young women, should act accordingly. The various modes of enjoyment are not for all times or for all persons, but they should only be used at the proper time. and in the proper countries and places.
When a woman, clinging to a man as a creeper twines round a tree, bends his head down to hers with the desire of kissing him and slightly makes the sound of sut sut, embraces him, and looks lovingly towards him, it is called the 'twining of a creeper'.
When a woman, having placed one of her feet on the foot of her lover, and the other on one of his thighs, passes one of her arms round his back, and the other on his shoulders, makes slightly the sounds of singing and cooing, and wishes, as it were, to climb up him in order to have a kiss, it is called an embrace like the 'climbing of a tree'.
When lovers lie on a bed, and embrace each other so closely that the arms and thighs of the one are encircled by the arms and thighs of the other, and are, as it were, rubbing up against them, this is called an embrace like 'the mixture of sesamum seed with rice'.
When a man and a woman are very much in love with each other, and, not thinking of any pain or hurt, embrace each other as if they were entering into each other's bodies either while the woman is sitting on the lap of the man, or in front of him, or on a bed, then it is called an embrace like a 'mixture of milk and water'.
Babhravya has thus related to us the above eight kinds of embraces. Suvarnanabha moreover gives us four ways of embracing simple members of the body, which are:
The embrace of the thighs.
The embrace of the jaghana, i.e. the part of the body from the navel downwards to the thighs.
The embrace of the breasts.
The embrace of the forehead.
When a man presses the jaghana or middle part of the woman's body against his own, and mounts upon her to practise, either scratching with the nail or finger, or biting, or striking, or kissing, the hair of the woman being loose and flowing, it is called the 'embrace of the jaghana'.
When a man places his breast between the breasts of a of Vatsyayana woman and presses her with it, it is called the 'embrace of the breasts'.
When either of the lovers touches the mouth, the eyes and the forehead of the other with his or her own, it is called the 'embrace of the forehead'.
Lying Down Sex Positions of Kamasutra
The widely opened position The yawning position The position of the wife of Indra |
The 'clasping position' is used in 'low congress', and in the 'lowest congress', together with the 'pressing position', the 'twining position', and the 'mare's position'. |
The above are the different ways of lying down, mentioned by Babhravya. Suvarnanabha, however, gives the following in addition: |
And in all these cases the characteristics of these different animals should be manifested by acting like them. |
The following kinds of congress-sporting in water, or the congress of an elephant with many female elephants which is said to take place only in the water, the congress of a collection of goats, the congress of a collection of deer take place in imitation of these animals. |
Kamasutra Sex Positions for Role Reversal
There are two ways of doing this, the first is when during congress she turns round, and gets on the top of her lover, in such a manner as to continue the congress, without obstructing the pleasure of it; and the other is when she acts the man's part from the beginning.
Whatever is done by a man for giving pleasure to a woman is called the work of a man, and is as follows:
The acts to be done by the man are:
Moving forward
Friction or churning
Giving a blow
The blow of a boar
The blow of a bull
The sporting of a sparrow
When the lingam is held with the hand, and turned all round in the yoni, it is called 'churning'.
When the yoni is lowered, and the upper part of it is struck with the lingam, it is called 'piercing'.
When the same thing is done on the lower part of the yoni, it is called 'rubbing'.
When the lingam is removed to some distance from the yoni, and then forcibly strikes it, it is called 'giving a blow'.
When only one part of the yoni is rubbed with the lingam, it is called the 'blow of a boar'.
When the lingam is in the yoni, and moved up and down frequently, and without being taken out, it is called the 'sporting of a sparrow'. This takes place at the end of congress.
When a woman acts the part of a man, she has the following things to do in addition to the nine given above:
The pair of tongs
The top
The swing
When, while engaged in congress, she turns round like a wheel, it is called the 'top'. This is learnt by practice only.
When, on such an occasion, the man lifts up the middle part of his body, and the woman turns round her middle part, it is called the 'swing'.
There are also some verses on the subject as follows:
'Though a woman is reserved, and keeps her feelings concealed; yet when she gets on the top of a man, she then shows all her love and desire. A man should gather from the actions of the woman of what disposition she is, and in what way she likes to be enjoyed. A woman during her monthly courses, a woman who has been lately confined, and a fat woman should not be made to act the part of a man.'
Such passionate actions and amorous gesticulations or movements, which arise on the spur of the moment, and during sexual intercourse, cannot be defined, and are as irregular as dreams.
A horse having once attained the fifth degree of motion goes on with blind speed, regardless of pits, ditches, and posts in his way; and in the same manner a loving pair become blind with passion in the heat of congress, and go on with great impetuosity, paying not the least regard to excess.
For this reason one who is well acquainted with the science of love (Kamasutra), and knowing his own strength, as also the tenderness, impetuosity, and strength of the young women, should act accordingly. The various modes of enjoyment are not for all times or for all persons, but they should only be used at the proper time. and in the proper countries and places.
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