Number 773
"B" is for...Bullseye
This is the end of my Plan B comics week, and as weakly linked as the theme is, at least we're going out strong. Here are a couple of Jack Kirby stories from Bullseye #3, 1954. His Western hero with a target on his chest had a short-lived career, but if these stories are any indication of the other issues, it's a series worth remembering.
I've included the two-page origin of Bullseye, which wasn't drawn by Kirby.
Something I noticed is the bizarre coloring. Tell me what would happen in the real West if some cowpokes had ridden in to town with bright, multi-colored Stetsons? "YEEEEEE-HAW! Grab a rope!"
Note: The Grand Comics Database lists the first five issues of this title as Bulls Eye, published by Mainline, and then the two Charlton issues as Bullseye.

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