Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 5, 2014

Number 1578: Her lover in the death house: “Through the glass I’m kissing you.”

A couple of days ago I posted a Samson story from 1939 with a minimum of dialogue and lots of captions, and now we have a story from 1950 with a maximum of both dialogue and captions. I wonder how the letterer left enough room in the panels for the artist to draw.

In this case the artist is George Evans, who does a superb job with the space left to him for the illustrations.

And despite some overcooked dialogue and twice-baked descriptions (“The howling wind sang a dirge to the shivering pair...”) in “The Terror of Tarn House” I enjoyed this story from Fawcett’s Love Mystery #1 (1950). I thought it could have made a movie from that era, and the excellent art by Evans would make a good storyboard. A man falsely accused fits right into a Hitchcock style.

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