Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 4, 2014

Number 1557: A sheriff’s place is in the home

Sal is a strong and capable woman who is sheriff of Red Dog. She’s dealing with a gang of rustlers and the jasper she loves, Flash, who is trying to get her job as sheriff.

Published in 1949 in Ace’s Western Love Trails #7, “Sheriff Sal’s Last Stand” fits into what was happening in American society in the time after World War II. Men were taking back jobs that women had held during the war, and women were put in the homes to be supported by their husbands. That was the era in which I was raised. Obviously there has been a major change of attitude since, which makes the ending of the story not nineteenth century, the era in which it’s set, but very much mid-century twentieth.

The Grand Comics Database makes a guess the well-drawn artwork is by King Ward. I’m not familiar enough with his work to tell one way or another.

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