Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2012

Number 1106

Savorin' Severin

John Severin has died at age 90. Severin has been one of my favorite comic artists since I saw his "Melvin of the Apes" in Mad when I was very young. I have followed his career since. I'm saddened by his death, but also happy that we have so much of his artistic legacy to still appreciate.*

Here are two of my favorite postings of Severin's artwork: "Luck" from Pappy's #590, and "EC @ Atlas" from Pappy's #910.

Had I not read the expert opinion of Michael Vassallo I wouldn't have known that the Black Rider story from Best Western #58 (1949), was by John Severin. This early work just didn't look like the Severin I was used to. After reading Michael's credit in the Atlas Tales website I looked closer at the artwork. Sure enough it’s Severin, and thanks to Doc V for the heads-up.

As much as I love Severin's printed work, his original art is just as fascinating. The now defunct blog, Hairy Green Eyeball, had several Severin postings. This post with Severin originals, mostly from Severin's time at Cracked, is from the very last HGE blog, and you can link to it here.

In a story done a few years and several hundred comic book pages later the more mature John Severin style jumps out from 1955's Western Tales of Black Rider #28, in the short but poignant "The Brothers."

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