Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 9, 2010

Number 808

Invisible Trogs

"Vengeance Of the Invisible Men" from Sensation Mystery #110, 1952, reminds me of They Live, the 1988 movie by John Carpenter. Roddy Piper puts on a pair of glasses and sees aliens masquerading as humans. In this story a guy puts on a pair of glasses and sees invisible troglodytes causing accidents. It's kind of how I see the world. I believe many people are aliens disguised as human, and since I can't believe I can be such a klutz, there must be an invisible Trog tripping me. Would that I had some glasses I could wear to prove it.

The Grand Comics Database lists Murphy Anderson as artist.

Oh yeah, mon, the main character's name is Robert Marley.

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